about raymi blog

raymi is a retard. here's why.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

some more raymi press

Gossip Folks, by Lauren White AKA Raymi the Minx torontoist piece i wrote. a blurb.

I have been largely ignored yet secretly followed, pursued, for years. I am constantly second-guessing everything I share (I am even afraid to be typing this post right now because I know the comment suicide Torontoist can bring), but I do it anyway because I believe that it is good and appreciated and unique. Why does this post even exist at all? Who am I? To me the real story here—the big picture—is that ten years ago no one knew what a fucking blog even was, or why someone would share so much online. And now, ten years later, a national newspaper is on my case for not sharing enough.

From the Blogs to the Newspapers, Everyone Wants to Know More about Raymi the Minx shedoesthecity q&a

Love in the time of bloggeria globeandmail article.

Facebook status updates as pixelated PDAs

I’ve only met Lauren White a couple of times, but I feel like I’ve known her forever. Her blog, Raymi The Minx (www.raymitheminx.com), has amassed an impressive following over the years. On my computer screen, she is a stunning, unsmiling woman who painstakingly documents minutiae like new outfits, found objects and elaborate meals. In person, she is sweet and smiley, funny and friendly.

some french stuff see 2

i also wrote this ages ago. when the site goes to print it'll be in the first issue.

this too.